
7th edition of the African Forum of Local Government Managers and Training Institutes targeting Local Government .

Audrey Sophie Ndongo
January 29, 2024

As part of the year 2023, decreed "Year of the AfCFTA",United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA Africa), through itsAfrican Academy of Local Government (ALGA) and its partners, organised from 20to 26 November 2023, the 7th edition of the African Forum of Local GovernmentManagers and Training Institutes targeting Local Government (FAMI 7-2023).

The meeting was held in El Jadida in the Casablanca-Settatregion, on the premises of the Chouaib Doukkali University and the EcoleNationale de Commerce et de Gestion (ENCG). ESSACA, a partner of UCLG-Africa'sALGA Academy, was represented by its Executive Director, Mr Kotto Jean-Jacques,at this 7th edition of the FAMI, the theme of which was "The contributionof Local Authorities to the realisation of the African Continental Free TradeArea (AfCFTA)", and which was attended by just over 200 participants from33 countries.

According to the Director General of AUDA-NEPAD, the AfricanUnion Development Agency, Ms Nardos Bekele-Thomas, in view of the currentunprecedented global challenges, the AfCFTA, as an ambitious initiative,represents "a glimmer of hope, offering significant opportunities"for sustainable development across the continent.

A number of questions were addressed:

1) Since the entry into force of the AfCFTA Agreement, whatstage have we reached in the implementation of this ambitious and promisingAfrican initiative?

2) What are the roles and responsibilities of local andregional authorities in this implementation process, and what role will theyplay in this dynamic of regional integration?

3) What are the challenges and obstacles to implementing theAfCFTA?

4) How can the AfCFTA impact governance, digital transformation,and sustainable development in Africa?


The key messages to emerge from the presentations, debatesand discussions include:

1) Strengthening economic governance at local level

2) Developing the capacities of Local Authorities andincreasing decentralisation are essential to accelerate and improve the qualityof economic growth in Africa.

3) Identifying sectors, basins and territories with highpotential and their comparative advantages.

It is becoming clear that African local authorities (LGAs)have a major role to play in the implementation and success of African regionalintegration, as institutions of public governance at sub-national level, and asplayers in local and regional development. On this occasion, ESSACA was able tostrengthen its position alongside local authorities and in line with theSDGs17.

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