
Teacher Seminar 2022

Audrey Sophie Ndongo
November 28, 2023
2 mins

On September 23, 24 and 25, 2022, a back-to-school seminar was held at the Gîtes de Kribi hotel for teaching staff and administration on the theme “Team Building” in English which means “ Team building '' with a workforce of 18 participants. During this weekend, the aim was to allow ESSACA to return to the fundamental bases of governance and a dynamic and responsive reorganisation in the provision of teaching and training.

As part of administrative governance, the Director of ESSACA Mr. Kotto Jean-Jacques recalled the general training policy at ESSACA following the recommendations of the UNESCO-UIA charter. Then he subsequently specified the different educational orientations for the new academic year 2022-2023, by distributing the work based on three themes which will constitute three groups, namely: - The establishment of co-directed bridging lessons between teachers - Diplomas and student supervision. - And Discipline It was a question here for each participant to join a reflection group, the task assigned to each working group was to bring out key words, which will be explained in sentences. At the end, the results of each group will give rise to specific processing using a multidimensional tool with several inputs. This distribution will help each participant to reframe their lessons during the year.

As Mr. Kotto reminded us once again, we must have a vision which will speak to the diagnosis, the proposals in analysis, the foresight which will allow us to project ourselves towards the future. All the richness of the exchanges of this seminar should give rise to a final document, which will serve as a reminder for the participants. Said document must include all of the groups' exchanges, photos, and other deliverables which can be consulted at any time in order to perfect the teaching program throughout the year. Finally, the development of a tool for monitoring the validation of documents, perspectives and deadlines.

This seminar saw the participation of a special Guest and Observer in the person of the Architect M. Dickson. He thanked ESSACA for the opportunity to involve him in the educational preparation for the new academic year, he underlined the importance of maintaining good relations with ESSACA, appreciated the quality of ESSACA students received internships in his office with which he is generally satisfied, and is willing to provide suggestions for strengthening certain areas of training for better professional integration.

In view of the exchanges and thanks of the participants to the Executive Director and the administrative team, we can therefore conclude that this initiative was a success, to be repeated once again for future years. ESSACA is now seeing the birth of a new generation and era of dynamism in academic training.

Some images from the moment:

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