
World Architecture Day

Audrey Sophie Ndongo
November 28, 2023
3 mins

Monday October 3, 2022 was celebrated as World Architecture Day with the theme “Architecture for well-being”. A theme given by the UIA (The International Union of Architects) which echoes 2022 as the Year of Architecture for Health and the Union's commitment to using evidence-based design to promote health. health in buildings and cities. For the occasion, ESSACA organized a TALK in its premises in Douala Ville Labo, with the aim of asking the right questions and discussing practical solutions to the demographics of our African cities. Before the exchange, a short extract from the remarks of Mr. Mbassi Elong, Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa, given during the ESSACA 10th anniversary ceremony was broadcast to understand the topic of the day. After this screening, various discussions and exchanges followed, including:

- Firstly, the image of the architect must be perceived differently and this involves a duty of awareness towards the populations which will allow them not only to understand its importance but also its duties in the balance and development of our Company.

- Secondly, we must dare, Architecture is important, because society and more precisely our African cities need functional buildings, adequate housing, airy and well-defined spaces which positively support the human activities that they shelter, and this requires knowledge and use of adequate, quality materials.

- Finally, expanding African cities are faced with housing problems and urban disorder, but solutions are available to them, in particular educating the population on the need to use an Architect, and above all advising architects to become more responsible and more concerned with making their contribution to the development of our African cities, all this in a spirit of well-being and self-sacrifice.

Furthermore, this day was also marked by the start of the academic year for the ESSACA DOUALA preparatory class, we recall that Douala Ville Labo is a privileged setting for the ESSACA academic curriculum integrating educational activities, projects, workshops or workshops, dealing with topics relating to the sustainable development goals of our environment.

Our four new students wearing their beautiful ESSACA uniform began their first day of class, immersed in an atmosphere of learning and expression on the different themes concerning Architecture and development. This was the opportunity for Mr. Jean Jacques Kotto Executive Director to remind them of the commitment but also the primary objective for which they decided to follow this training in order to become not only responsible Architects of tomorrow but also concerned about the well-being of be part of society.

At the end of the interview, they each received a welcome kit, a timetable, an instruction sheet and listened to the reading of the 10 commandments of the architect which were given to them.

Douala Ville Labo displays a new face.

Some images that marked this day:

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